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Chatpata Watermelon Panna | Watermelon Mocktail Drink

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Chatpata Watermelon Panna | Watermelon Mocktail Drink

Refreshing Summer Drink Recipe , fruit based without Alcohol

Refreshing Watermelon Drink for Summer.

  • Serves 6
  • Easy



Chatpata Watermelon Panna

Makes 3 cups of panna concentrate


Watermelon Juice (तरबूज़ का रस) – 6 cups

Sugar (चीनी) – ¾ cup

Kashmiri chilli powder (कश्मीरी मिर्च पाउडर) – 1 tbsp 

Cumin (जीरा) – 1 tbsp

Peppercorn (काली मिर्च) – 12-15 nos

Mint leaves (पुदीना) – handful  

Salt (नमक) – to taste

Black salt (काला नमक) – 1 tsp

Lemon, small (नींबू) – 5-6 nos

Ice cubes (बर्फ) – handful

Mint leaves (पुदीना पत्ता) – handful

Lemon wedges (नींबू के टुकड़े) – handful

Water (पानी) – as required


Note – Reduce the juice to 3 cups



Blend the watermelon pieces to make 6 cups of juice. Strain to remove pulp and seeds. In a large pot, pour the 6 cups of watermelon juice and bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat and let it simmer until it reduces to 3 cups of concentrated juice. This should take about 15 minutes. Stir occasionally.


Combine the reduced watermelon juice, sugar, Kashmiri chilli powder, ground cumin and peppercorn, salt, black salt, and lemon juice. Mix well until the sugar dissolves completely. Add a mint leaves to the mixture and let it sit for at least 10 minutes to infuse the flavors. And take them out.


To serve, fill a glass with a few ice cubes, add 2-3 tablespoons of the watermelon panna concentrate, and top up with chilled water. Adjust the amount of concentrate to taste. Garnish with fresh mint leaves and lemon wedges.

Chef Kunal Kapur

Having served the world with his delicious delicacies, Chef Kunal Kapur is revered by every food connoisseur. An all-in-one Indian celebrity chef, restaurateur, and media personality, Kunal Kapur has helped all of us get a taste of his cooking secrets through his cookbooks.

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